So you want to start a Small Group?
That’s awesome! In order to join the community of Buford Family Groups, there are some Group Basics that you will want to keep in mind as you start a group.
Group Basics:
Time – Buford Family Groups last for 10-weeks and start at the beginning of each quarter of the year.
Joining – There will be opportunities at the beginning of each quarter to join groups.
“Check-it-out” Period - In order to build community, the first two weeks will be open to anyone that wants to “check out” your small group, but then your group will become a “closed” group and will not be open to new participants until the next quarter.
Group Design – Your group can be about anything (Activity, Discipleship, Dietary/Cooking, Health, Music, Study, Women’s, etc.) with these basic requirements:
o Your group must be designed in such a way that community is created between the group members so that they grow closer together as well develop a closer relationship with Jesus.
o Your group must have a spiritual aspect throughout each meeting (more than just a quick prayer at the beginning and end)
o Your group must meet consistently over the 10 weeks
Accountability/Support – Because your group will be a part of a community of Buford Family Groups, you will want to connect with the Groups Coordinator for advice, support and questions.
That’s it! Isn’t that simple? Now it’s a matter of coming up with something that you are interested in and letting people know that you want to them to join you! If you are ready to make it official, fill out the form below to register your group and make it public.
Good luck, and we’ll be praying that God uses your group in a special way!