Be sure to check out our calendar of events to get involved with the ministries that are currently happening.
We have an active and growing youth group that desires to know Jesus and share Him with others. Be sure to like the youth page on Facebook to stay up to date with what is going on.

Because we are a church of young families, we focus on helping our kids develop and grow into strong believers in Jesus. Every Saturday morning, starting at 10am, we have Sabbath School that is designed for kids of all ages to study and learn about Jesus. We also have an exciting Vacation Bible School each summer that all the kids look forward to.
We are a church excited about healthy living and have several ministries that will help anyone become healthier in the diet and lifestyle.
Because we feel like prayer is such an important part of a relationship with Jesus, we not only emphasize it during worship services, but we also meet each Wednesday night at 7pm to pray together. Feel free to give us your prayer requests, and we will pray for you!