Women's Ministries

Buford Family Women's Ministry encourages women to BREATHE--BRing Everything Always To Him Everyday. Together, let's make time to slow down and Breathe by connecting with God more deeply, creating friendships, and using our gifts and abilities to minister to others.
November TEA TALK
Date/Time: Sunday, November 12th at 10:00am to 11:30 AM
Location: Laura Rebollo's home
Theme: "You are Loved"
Email for directions to Laura's home to bufordfamilywomensministry@gmail.com
Bring a brunch item to share if you are able.
Date/Time: Thursday, February 23 at 7:00pm
Location: Art and Spanish for Life, 3616 S. Bogan Rd., Buford http://www.artandspanishforlife.com/
Cost is $20 and includes everything.
RSVP to bufordfamilywomensministry@gmail.com if you would like to sign up.
"BREATHE" Women's Ministry Kick-off study/discussion/brunch
Date/Time: Sunday, February 19 from 10:00am-12:00nn
Location: Xao Metteauer's home, 2219 Sunny Hill Rd., Lawrenceville, 30043
Description: Join us as we discuss the subject of finding time in our hectic lives to be still, breathe, and learn to connect more deeply with God, our spouses, and each other. Please bring a brunch item to share.
To sign up, email Xao at xaoher@gmail.com by Friday, Feb. 17
The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer 6-week Bible Study
Date/Time: Sundays for (6) weeks beginning February 26 from 10am-11:30am
Location: Café Bean, 3131 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd., Suwanee, 30024
Description: Grab a warm drink or pastry and join us for a study and discussion on how to turn challenges and discouragement into opportunities for prayer, as we dig deeper into the Scripture and expand our understanding of prayer.
Email Sonia Weaver at bufordfamilywomensministry@gmail.com if you are interested or would like more information.
Creation Health Bible Study led by Cyndi Keiser
Date/Time: Thursdays from 10am-11:30am
Location: Cyndi Keiser's home, 3051 Seneca Farm Ln., Buford
Description: A study on what the Bible teaches on our physical mental, social and emotional health.
Email Cyndi Keiser at cyndikeiser7@gmail.com if you are interested or would like more information.
Knitting & Crochet Class for Beginners (6-week session):
Date/Time: Mondays for 6 weeks, beginning February 20 from 7pm-8:30pm
Location: Buford Family Church
Description: Would you like to learn to knit or crochet? Janet Duncan and Amanda Williamson will lead a 6-week knitting and crochet class for beginners. If you are experienced with knitting and crochet and would like to join the group for fun and fellowship as you work on your own project, you're welcome to come too!
RSVP to Janet Duncan at jduncan19510@gmail.com if you are interested or would like more information. Janet will provide you with a list of items needed for the class. Space for beginners is limited to 6 per class.
Making a Bible Story Quilt for Church:
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 21 from 7-9pm
Location: Donna Hadden's home
Description: Join Donna Hadden at her home to create and put together a beautiful Bible Story Quilt that can be hung in our church for all to enjoy. No sewing experience needed. Space is limited to 8 per session. Will take several sessions to complete quilt, but different people can participate each time.
Contact Donna at davidonnahadden@gmail.com to sign up.
SPRING WOMEN'S EVENT: Details to follow
FALL RETREAT: Details to follow
If you are interested in leading a study or small group or have ideas you'd like to share with Women's Ministry, please contact Sonia Weaver at bufordfamilywomensministry@gmail.com
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