Buford Family Valentine's Banquet
The Buford Family Pathfinder Club cordially invites you to attend the Buford Family Valentines’ Day Banquet!
When: Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 6:30pm
Where: 5106 B Bristol Industrial Way, Suite 100
Buford, GA 30518
$10: individual
$15: couple; married or single
$20: family, 3 members or more
Your night will consist of:
Fellowship and more!
R.S.V.P . by January 31, 2015 via: Church Offering Plate or Church Website
For more information, contact:
Lisa Kawamura: (678)687-1311 ; lisafaith@comcast.net
Yudi Liu: (480)382-6096 (text only); ylyudi78@gmail.com
There are two options to purchase your tickets for this event.
#1: Put your payment in an offering envelope at church and mark it "Valentine's Banquet."
#2: Click the button to the right that will take you to Adventist Giving. You may have to create a username and password, unless you already have one. At the bottom of the listed giving options, click on "ADD MORE OFFERINGS." Select Pathfinders, and then click the button "ADD SELECTED OFFERINGS TO ENVELOPE." Enter the correct amount in the Pathfinder line item for desired tickets ($10 for individuals, $15 for couples, $20 for families). Complete your payment by selecting the button of your desired method of payment. Our treasurer will record your payment amount and notify Lisa Kawamura.